Monday, March 3, 2008

Universal Healthcare

If there is one thing in life that I have learned it is this, the government NEVER makes things better. Actually, now that I think about it, all the government does is try to find solutions to problems that they themselves create. Seriously, look around. Tell me one program, across the board, that the government does better than any private organization. United States Postal Service? Psssh...please. So you are going to tell me that if you had a package that your life depended on whether or not it arrived on time, that you are going to trust the USPS over UPS or FedEx? Give me a freak'n break. There is no way I take that deal. What else do we have? IRS? Welfare programs? Government housing? Take a serious look at all these programs. Yea its true, government housing does help those who can't afford a place to live, to have some kind of shelter over there heads, but what if everyone were forced to live in government funded housing? People would be outraged. Then on top of that, not only do they get butt crappy housing, their taxes are raised! Do you think in any decade that flies? No bloody way!!! There would be million man marches, and boycotts from Washington to Florida. People would FREAK OUT! However, notice that when it comes to universal healthcare, no one seems to care. Once again you have the drive by liberal media just glazing over this issue. Everyone thinks that this universal health care package is the best thing to be presented since the "New Deal" (which by the way, in my opinion has crippled America, far outweighing any benefits reaped from it). Do people not realize how fast the American healthcare system will go down the drain if this gets going? Don't take my word for it, look at Canada or any other country that has a national healthcare plan. Not to mention the fact, where the is the money going to be coming from? It's not like the government works the graveyard shift or takes on a second job in order to make some more money. All of the money they get is either from us or is borrowed from China or Saudi Arabia. ALL of it. We pay for EVERYTHING. Not that we didn't have enough problems with Social Security, Medicaid, Military, and the other 9341231231 government programs to pay for. No one has given me a straight up answer as to how it would be paid without increases the snot out of the rich. (I'm not even close to being in that percentile but seriously, paying over 50% income tax in order to pay for a healthcare system that makes the elementary nurse look like a professional surgeon is just ludicrous).

I agree that insurance premiums are way too high and yes, we need to find a solution to this problem so that more of our children and our families can afford healthcare. That being said, universal healthcare is not the answer. Even making a law requiring that individuals have health insurance is a better idea. At least this way, because of the mandate, insurance companies would be competing with each just like car insurance companies do lowering premiums and deductibles that are required. At least this way the quality of healthcare doesn't decrease.

My biggest problem with universal healthcare simply put is that the quality of healthcare will DRAMATICALLY decrease. THIS IS A FACT. Think about it, if you have a national healthcare system you will have a dramatic decrease in pay for physicians. So if I was an exceptional college student who could either go to school for 4 years to a get a business degree to make six figures or go to college for 4 years to get a B.S. degree, medical school for 4 years, do an internship for 2 years, residency for 2-3 years just to get paid around $60,000....hmmm I don't know about you but if it were me, I definitely would go the business route. Not to mention the difference in student loans would be over $100,000 for physicians compared to about $10,000 for a business degree. If the best and brightest are going into other fields that will pay them accordingly, who does that leave for the medical field? Yep, you guessed it...Joe Schmo who barely got through college. Well that ought to be comforting in the O.R., knowing that your surgeon was just as dedicated to the Nintendo Wii and booze as he was to studying.

There is definitely a reason why the past two times Hillary tried to get this passed through congress it failed. People just need to open up their eyes and realize the potential impacts that all these "supposedly free/that cripple people from becoming anything in this world government programs" will have on our world. To quote the famous drink company Pepsi "WAKE UP PEOPLE!" Goodnight and remember to save trees by conserving poop!


Anonymous said...

In my personal opinion, even if Hillary gets elected, there is no way that her health care plan passes. Seriously, how are they going to fund that kind of program? I just don't see it happening.

Anonymous said...

Down with Hillary!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hillary sucks, Obama sucks, McCain sucks...the only one left is you!!!! You should run for president, at least you would have my vote!!!!

Anonymous said...

Health care is sooooooooooo over rated. What happened to the good old days of if you sick, then you die? Survival of the fitess!!!!

Anonymous said...

At least Hillary has an idea. What's McCain's solution? His idea would probably be "we need to bomb Iran and North Korea in order to cut medical insurance premiums." I just can't stand you Rushites who think everything that the democrats put out are satanic in nature. At least they are trying to figure out a way to cut cost unlike you religous bigots who think that God really exists and all those who don't believe it are going to Hell.

Anonymous said...

Hillary and the Clintons have done more for this country than any republican ever will. Noticed we didn't have a recession during the Clinton years? We didn't have this mortage crisis then. We had economic prosperity and a lifestyle that was perfect. Hillary 08! Way to take Texas & Ohio! Keep it up Hill, we love you.

Anonymous said...

Look at these left wing socialist. What they talking about? Ok, lets just say we let Hillary or heaven forbid Obama become president. I'm not kidding you in 4 years we will be a socialist nation bordering communism. I kid you not. STOP THE MADDNESS!!!

Anonymous said...

It was a great blog. I loved it. It goes to show how socialistic the Clintons are in their ideas and ways of thinking. I hope that McCain wins this year.

Anonymous said...

Great blog John. It's really great that you can take a serious issue, get people passionate for it (one way or the other) all while putting in your sly humor. Hope to read more in the future.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you would rather have McCain in the White House than either Hillary or Obama. Either one wipes the floor with McCain who most likely will be dead in a year or two.

Anonymous said...

Liberals, conservatives, all they do is fight fight fight. Why is that? I guess only Jesus knows.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Canada and the UK and others are bad examples with terrible records running a single-payer system. but on the other hand there are systems where the nationalized health care works!

The issue is that the US is super innovative and must maintain its position of innovation and leadership by creating a new system for health care - that maintains integrity, quality, and affordability. We don't need to copy Canada, nor would we want to. But we certainly can't maintain the status quo - Americans spend more on health care than most others in the developed world and not everyone is covered. This doesn't make sense that a pregnancy can result in bankruptcy in this country. THat's a shame.

But I also don't support a single-payer system even though it's worked well in Sweden and Norway (lots of things work well in homogeneous societies with fewer people than LA) - the US needs to be innovative to incorporate government regulation and market solutions to create a novel system that will become the envy of the world.

There are solutions that we need to discover. It doesn't make sense to continue in the US paying billions in administrative costs. It just does not make sense.

Please: Let's not think that we're bozed into having to choose either maintaining status quo or following Canada - neither option works! Let's innovate something new and novel, dedicated to the welfare of our people! We can do something that is cost effective, efficient, and promotes wellness and prevention! Health care is a right of all people, and is guaranteed under the right to life and the pursuit of happiness clause.