Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where the Republicans have Gone Wrong

Say WHAT?!!! Yea I know I know, the ultra conservative bashing on "our" party? Who would have ever thunk it? Now before I go off about the problems with the GOP, I want to point out that, for all it's fallacies, it could be much worse. We could have been the ones supporting this ethanol push that not only didn't help the fuel crisis, but also added the new burden of the food shortage. (yea, and people thought that other countries hated us before, just wait until we start starving them.) Or we could have been the ones who continue to spread this global warming nonsense down everyones throat making everyone believe that even though only 2% of the greenhouse gases are caused by us, if we don't stop everything we do, the Earth is going to melt like the deodorant down my side on a hot summer West Valley afternoon. (Too much detail? Probably...but now you know huh?) Or even worse than all that we could be P.E.T.A? Sorry, couldn't miss that opportunity. The problem with the concept of the republican party being "our party" is that it's not "our" party anymore. Everyone talks about how the new strategy for the Republicans is to go more moderate, more independent, more John McCain. By the looks at the polls, you actually might fall into this trap of thinking that in a horrible year for any Republican running for President of the United States, that John McCain isn't doing too shabby; McCain being tied in many of the polls. Well we shall see in November. I still believe that if...ahem...I mean when Obama wins the nominations, you could have a McCain/Jesus ticket and well...you would probably have people still talk about how old McCain is and don't get me started on how old Jesus is. Basically, I don't see how McCain wins and even if he does win, the house and senate will still be democratically controlled and we are put in the same situation as we are now.

People think that the only way republicans can win the house and senate seats again is for us to reach across the aisle and scoot towards that middle ground. The problem is that when we have reached across the aisle, the other sides usually pulls us over. If we are going to reach across the aisle, we need to reach like Reagan did, by knowing what we stand for and not shaking with every passing wind. What happened to fiscal responsibility? What happened to making government smaller and letting people have more say in their daily lives. What happened to not targeting certain industries and allowing the market...well be free? There are so many areas that republicans are their own worst enemies. Had they remembered these things and really followed through with it, you wouldn't have had the fall out you did in 04. Speaking of 04, what happened to all the great changes that Nancy Peloski promised. That's right, food shortage, higher gas prices, inflation skyrocketing (OK, this isn't all their fault), and the economy tanking...hmmmm...if these are the changes that she meant and if these are the types of change that Obama will bring, well send me to Canada because at least that way, I can sit in the sunny beaches in Vancouver, while I wait for 8 months to see a doctor.

My point is that if the GOP wants to draw in a great crowd, really get the party's based to really get energized, then they need to go back to what made the party successful. They have to go back to those principles that work and as they do so, the same excitement you see with Democratic party, you will surely see here. I'm just saying...


Anonymous said...

True true. If the GOP isn't careful they are going to end up with a third party that will take over.

Anonymous said...

Stupid...conservative retoric sounds strangely like an evangelical preacher trying to dupe you and hope you had over your mother. Unbelievable