Sunday, March 2, 2008

Seriously? Global Warming Caused by Us?

Global warming, global warming, global warming. This is all we hear and yes I know how everyone and their dog is all about global warming and how it's going to be the end of civilization as we know it. What I love most about global warming is when you ask the average Joe what they know about global warming you get a most fascinating answer. They will adjust their rounded spectacles and reply "Well, global warming is the warming of the globe." WOW!!! That is real intuitive. Good to see those college degrees paying off there. Then you follow up that question with "What is causing global warming?" Again, the average Joe having multiple chemistry degrees (well they practically do with wikipedia, because everyone knows that if it's not in wikipedia it's just not true) will reply "Of course we know what is causing global warming, it's us with all the CO2 that we produce." However, heaven forbid you should ever ask a follow up question to that such as "How do you know that CO2 is causing global warming?" or "Did you get your source from anywhere besides 'An Inconvenient Truth'?" It's like asking an Obama supporter what he really believes in. "Obama believes in change, and faith, and hope for change, and if he changes Washington, we'll have hope for the future because of change and faith and hope, which hope is placed in faith." Blah! I'll talk about Obama in another blog later on but this will suffice for now. Anyway, if you read the newspapers and watch the liberal media you will KNOW with 100% accuracy that this is true. Or is it?

Everyone thinks that ALL scientist agree that global warming is man made. Actually here are the real stats done in a 2003 survey of 530 climate scientists in 27 countries, conducted by Dennis Bray and Hans von Storch at the GKSS Institute of Coastal Research in Germany. They found that

82 percent said global warming is happening, but only
56 percent said it’s mostly the result of human causes, and only
35 percent said models can accurately predict future climate conditions.

Only 27 percent believed “the current state of scientific knowledge is able to provide reasonable predictions of climate variability on time scales of 100 years.”

This is a far strectch from the "consensus" that everyone is talking about.
This is the main problem, everyone just assumes that the debate on global warming is over and the answer is that we are causing it by producing all this CO2. OK, first let me point out some of my feelings first on the subject. Do I believe the Earth is warming? Of course I do, all the data shows that this is the case (but by warming, we actually mean the catastrophic increase of .7 degrees C over a 30 year span.) Do I believe that we should try to find a solution to this problem? Yes and no. I do believe we should look into trying to find a solution to this but it's needs to be a careful study looking at WHAT ACTUALLY IS CAUSING GLOBAL WARMING! We need to see if there is actually anything that we can do. (as crappy as that might be, it's true...there is a good possibility that there is simply really nothing that we can do.) For example, take the average temperature of Venus and Mars over the same period of time in which the Earth has been warming. Don't just take my word for it, look it up yourself. Venus and Mars' average global temperature has been rising approximately (you have to take into consideration that Venus has a thicker atmosphere and Mars has thinner atmosphere than Earth's.) the same amount as the Earth's temperature. During this same time the activity level of the sun has dramatically increased too. Man if this whole global warming is caused by us, we are doing some serious damage not only our planet but to our whole solar system. Sucks to be Martians, they are going to be ticked when they find out that we are the cause of their global warming!

There are loads of evidences supporting the fact that this is yet another part of the Earths' cycle and that temperatures will continue to rise and then will go down later. A lot of the younger generation were not a live during the 1960-70's where if you looked at the media then, it wasn't global warming that was the problem, it was global cooling. They were freaked out that we were heading into a global cooling. For example you have in 1978, the L.A. Times published an article that was titled "No End in Sight to 30-year Cooling Trend in the Northern Hemisphere," or Times Magazine article from 1974 title "Another Ice Age." Everything they were saying then can be said today just replace global warming with global cooling and switch the results.

Everyone is so eager to blame us but here is the problem. If you start blaming us, or birds or the even the Sun Gods for global warming without real scientific data, you will get a solution that is just as useful as sacrificing a Ron Paul supporter to shut them up. (which might not be so bad seeing as some of us could actually read some commentaries on You Tube without reading some over zealous Ron Paul supporter talk about how the messiah has come in his form.) The biggest rebuttal to man made global warming is that in Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" he showed this huge graph showing how CO2 levels were causing the temperature to increase. I must admit when I first saw this I was like, hmmm, pretty interesting. The funny thing is that notice that he didn't over lap the two data? The reason he didn't is because had he superimposed the temperature data with the CO2 levels you would have noticed temperature, drives CO2 levels, not the other way around. As the temperature of the Earth increases the CO2 levels then follows shortly thereafter. There is no evidence stating that the increase in CO2 levels drives the temperature.
If all this pollution was driving global warming you would expect that during the peak, during the industrial revolution, that temperatures would have sky rocketed. Funny thing is that the temperature of the Earth actually went down during that time. These are based of the graph and numbers produced by IPCC.

There are plenty of more data that viewpoints that support this position on global warming (I just don't want to make this into a 30 page senior thesis paper) but my whole point of this blog is show that the global warming debate is not over. More importantly is that if we are to try to fix this warming (assuming it continues to increase without ever cooling off, which is not all that plausible) you need to find the REAL source of global warming supported by sound scientific data. Until we meet again, goodnight everyone and remember to save trees, conserve poop!


Anonymous said...

Great blog, thanks for providing some useful information.

Anonymous said...

Love it love it love it. But I should say that I know the author of this blog so I'm a bit biased but still, great article. I think that people are just way over reacting to all this global warming crap. Nice article.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Globabl warming caused by us? GIVE ME A *BLEEP'N* BREAK. How does anyone NOT believe in global warming. It's all over the news, newspaper, tv, research papers. Come on people. It right winged nutjobs like this one that will eventually destroy our world. I hope your happy when your grandkids are swimming in their front yards.

Anonymous said...

Take that all you green freaks!!!

Anonymous said...

This was the best blog ever. 4.5 out of 10! Incredible, I definitely would give you two stars for it. ;) Love the Obama supporter reference and I never thought about conserving on poop. Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. The only suggestion is maybe you should reference where you get the data from. It's really strong data, but especially just coming from a regular blog you should probably put up some references. That being said, it was really a good blog and I can't wait for the next one.

Anonymous said...

Hey you should check out some of the ads to the left there. They totally discredit you blog. What an idot!

Anonymous said...

People just need to take a "chill pill" concerning this whole global warming epidemic. It doesn't take a scientist to realize that there are two sides of this story. We just all need to take a break and relax and see how everything changes.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog post

Anonymous said...

It is people like you my friend, that will be the end of humanity as we know it. Let's just say that you are right, well then we just have a cleaner world to live in. But if you are wrong then we have destroyed our world and life as we know it ends. What a goofball.